Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Should Women Use Knuckle Duster for Self Defense?

Generally, women prefer smart self defense weapons. Smart self defense weapons refer to those pocket carry weapons that are non lethal. 

But, these smart weapons are handy to deal with the attacker. Women are reluctant to use lethal weapons because they fear to inflict long term injuries to them. 

But, as of late, women are encouraged to use knuckle duster for self defense. This is also a small weapon, but it is lethal. 

It is worn around the knuckles and is used for improving the punching power. Women don’t prefer this weapon, but should they? 

Yes indeed, they should use it for defense for the following reasons:

Lethality is Still Preferable

Yes, women can use non lethal weapons to deal with the attacker. These weapons are handy for a temporary period of time. 

They don’t cause injuries to knock the attacker down. A temporary damage is not a great way of dealing with the attackers. 

You should teach him a lesson by inflicting him severe injuries. 

So, with a knuckle duster around your knuckles, you can deliver a powerful punch in his face to cause injury. It is the best way to deal with him and teach him a lesson. 

Make Attackers Fear You

Non lethal weapons are not enough to make attackers fear you. The priority should be that attackers fear you and don’t dare to attack you. 

With a knuckle duster around your knuckles, the attackers will fear you and won’t dare to attack you. So, make them fear you by wearing this powerful and lethal weapon. 

Be Strong and Brave

Women should show some courage. After all, this is a matter of life or death. They must do everything to ensure their survival against the attackers. 

If they become little brave and strong, they can ensure their survival by using such lethal weapons. So, wear it and deliver some strong punches to injure the attackers. 

Wear Your Weapon than Carry it

Many self defense weapons are carried in the pocket or bag our purse. Knuckle duster can be worn around the knuckles and you don’t have to carry it in your pocket. 

It is always around your knuckles and you are always equipped with your weapon to deal with the attackers.

Read Also: A Quick Brass Knuckles User Guide